Logistics for E-Commerce

Logistics for E-Commerce

Electronic commerce or e-commerce logistics refers to the procedures involved in storing and shipping inventory for an online store or marketplace.  It comprisesinventory management and the picking, packing, and shipping of online orders.

E-commerce, refers to commercial transactions lead online. This means that, whenever you buy or sell something using the internet, you are involved in e-commerce! The most widespread example of e-commerce being online shopping, which is defined as the buying and selling of goods through the Internet, on any device.                                                                                                               

E-commerce is a wide term that consist of all online marketplaces connecting buyers and sellers.

When considering the type of e-commerce in which you might want to become involved, you need to consider first the type of business you are going for and your targeted audience. For example, when you think about the business you want to run, who do you see yourself selling to?

There are ideally four main types of e-commerce. Keep your targeted customers in mind as you look at the following four e-commerce models:

Business to business (B2B): A B2B model centers on providing products from one business to another. While various e-commerce businesses in this niche are service providers, you also find software, office furniture and supply, as well as document hosting companies which use B2B models.

Business to customer (B2C): The B2C sector is what most think of when they visualize an e- commerce business. This is the most extensive e-commerce market, and many of the names you will see here are well-known offline as well.B2C sales view the traditional retail model in which a business sells to individuals. In this case, all business processes take place online as compared to in a physical store.

Consumer to business (C2B): Like C2C, C2B is another unique model, but one that is nonetheless growing in prevalence. This type of online commerce includes having a consumer sell goods or services to businesses. It is approximately equivalent to a sole proprietorship serving a larger business.

Consumer to consumer (C2C): Shaped by the rise of the e-commerce sector and growing consumer confidence in online sales, consumer-to-consumer websites allow customers to trade, buy, and sell items to each other in return for a small commission paid to the site. Opening a C2C site requires careful planning, and is usually not something that a small business would envisage.

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